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Scrolls of Hope

116 Mahan Street, West Babylon NY 11704





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Scrolls of Hope

The Messengers

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Scrolls of Hope

116 Mahan Street, West Babylon NY 11704



Step 1: Write your message.

Pre-Written Salutations, Closings, and Messages

You must click one of the Salutations, Closings, and Message before editing your Scroll:

I want you to know that you have many angels looking after you. Be brave, you are never alone. Fine the light at the end of the tunnel and keep moving forward.

I am sending you this message to encourage you to stay strong and let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. 
I want you to know that you are invincible.  Get out into the sunlight and yell three times 'I am invincible.'  Soon after, you will find you are.
Say Strong and Brave. Not everyone will understand your struggle. Do not worry about them. You are brave and can change your life for the better.
Wishing you all the best. I hope this know give you a recharge and energizes you to take on the world.
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